Nordvest, Bispebjerg og Brønshøj-Husum Save the bike map as a PDF file.Download GPS navigation. Experience beautiful nature gems, breathtaking architecture and explore fun playgrounds. Bring your binoculars, and study the rich avifauna in Utterslev Mose (Boglands). Photographer Jarvis Lawson 14 KM Industrial and welfare architecture Explore the neighbourhoods Nordvest and Bispebjerg - both unique melting pots of townhouses, industrial buildings, apartment buildings and welfare architecture. Photographer Signe Nors 17 KM Explore Brønshøj-Husum The Brønshøj-Husum district is home to some of the most characteristic modernist architecture in Denmark. Brønshøj is also home to residential areas, historic buildings, and extensive green areas. Photographer Signe Nors 13,5 KM The green route - from city scenery to wild life and greenery Experience the breadth of history, beautiful nature gems, and breathtaking architecture on this green bike route on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Rest underneath one of the many trees or study the rich avifauna in Utterslev Mose. Photographer Signe Nors 7,5 KM With kids through streets and green spaces (BLUE) Pet a sheep in the long grass by Utterslev Mose. Use the art on the house gables as colour and inspiration for your imagination and visit the library, the cultural hot spot. Have fun reading a book or check out the creative workshops. Photographer Daniel Rasmussen 5,5 KM With kids through streets and green spaces (RED) Experience Bispebjerg through the eyes of a child; a contrasting neighbourhood with everyday magic. Explore the popular playgrounds. Lots of fun experiences await in the northern part of Copenhagen.